Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Little things

If I ever let the bad little things in my life bug me, (and believe me, I do) then I ought to be really grateful for the good little things. Today I was hoping to sell our computer chair, but it broke about thirty seconds before the girl came to pick it up. I felt pretty frustrated about it even though we were only out 15 bucks. I tried not to let it get to me, but I'm not very good at that.

Anyway, after I dropped Charlie off to school, I went to go get the oil changed and something about the environment at jiffy lube made me really happy. Those guys really get to have fun. Its like a pep rally or something. If you go in to top off your oil, the one you told yells out, "Top off!" and everyone else gathers around and yells, "Top off" "Top off" Just so they know their on the same page I guess. Then they just keep yelling and repeating every new command. So funny. It was also funny because our oil was really low, so they kept motioning people over to look at my oil stick, and saying,"whoa!" or laughing. I guess I should have felt self conscious about them laughing at how badly I care for my car, but I just thought it was funny.

So then I took the car to another place to fix the muffler, and the guy was really nice and personable and since he was pals with Charlie (and honest), he gave us a really great price. Its rare in my opinion to find a truly honest mechanic, but this guy is one, and that makes me happy. While he was fixing it, I had time to walk over to DI and buy a cute outfit for both me and Lydia and when I got back he was already finished and the car just purred all the way home, and if that wasn't enough to get me in a good mood, Lydia was asleep within 2 minutes. She even stayed asleep when we got home. Hurray for little miracles!

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