Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sleaping is awesome

My beautiful little Lydia is finally sleeping through the night at least 3/4ths of the time, but it happened so gradually and unexpectedly that I almost didn't realize it had happened. It shouldn't have been that unexpected I guess. I mean, we've been working and praying for it to happen ever since we found out we're expecting another baby. But after months and months of not really knowing what I was doing, and not being sure if I was really making any progress, I think in my heart I'd given up on it. I'd consigned myself to dealing with two non-sleeping babies at a time. People do it with twins after all, so its gotta be doable. Well now miracle of miracles, Lydia is in her own room, sleeping till ten in the morning and wow am I grateful. Its about time I recognize the blessing. How ungrateful and silly of me it was not to really notice when I received just what I asked for.

Funny, now I'm so used to not sleeping at night that I wake up all the time even though I don't have to. Funny too that when we lay down with Lydia at night, sometimes I have a hard time convincing Charlie to go back to our own bed because he likes being with her. So cute! Lydia really didn't have a hard time going through the transition, but Charlie and I kinda did. Ha ha. I'm grateful for my sweet husband and my sweet baby and the wiggly one on the way. Being a mom who loves her family is fun. I should do it more often. Its easier when I've had a good night sleep though, I can tell you that.

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